Nizami Ganjavi International Center held an international conference with the Institute of International Relations of Latvia.
Published: 27 October 2023
Nizami Ganjavi International Center held an international conference on "The future of the European Union from the perspective of neighboring countries" with the Institute of International Relations of Latvia.
At the meeting, the future scenarios that await the European Union (EU): views and expectations of EU members and EU neighbors; views of NATO member and non-member countries regarding sustainable security; new geopolitical dynamics in the South Caucasus; Prospects of integration of the Western Balkans into the EU were discussed.
The Co-chair of the Center and the former President of Latvia Mrs. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the former President of Slovenia Borut Pahor, the former Presidents of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, Egils Levits, Former President of Serbia Boris Tadic, former President of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanic, 73rd President of the UN General Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador Maria Fernanda Espinosa, former Deputy Prime Minister of Romania Ana Birchal, former Minister of Defense of Montenegro Milica Pejanovic, former Prime Minister of Latvia Laimdota Straujuma, former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Artis Pabriks attended the meeting.
Within the framework of the event, the former President of Latvia Egils Levits joined Nizami Ganjavi International Center as a member.
The members of the Center also participated in the Riga Conference 2023, which is traditionally held in Latvia.
The Riga Conference brings together regional and international experts, scientists, journalists covering international events and decision-makers in the field of foreign policy and defense. The conference promotes discussion and evaluation of issues affecting the transatlantic community. Since 2006, the conference held in the capital of Latvia has become a traditional meeting held every year in the region