IV GBF: “Towards a Multipolar World”

Main topic: the increasing multi polarization of the world: aspects; effects; governance; prospects; and actions.

Key Trend and Issues:

  1. Global insecurity and security: ISIS and terrorism; conflicts, Syria; Ukraine);  
  2. Regional dynamics and challenges: Iran, Caspian, Syria, and the wider Europe
  3. Economic vitality and inequality, decline of the West and consequences serious global economic hardships;
  4. Climate change and energy policy: What role for oil producing countries;
  5. Multiculturalism, Interfaith Dialogue and integration in a connected world.

Focus on 10th of March: Politics/Geographic/Top issues

Focus on 11th of March: Thematic sessions, conclusions summary and action plan


Former Presidents -23 (4-female/19-male)

Former Prime Ministers-21 (2-female/19-male)

Represented countries: (43 countries)

Overall 350 Participants from:

Albania; Andorra; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Colombia; Cyprus; Egypt; Ecuador; Finland; Germany; Greece; Georgia; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Israel; Jordan; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Macedonia; Madagascar; Malaysia; Moldova; Montenegro; Mongolia; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Poland; Romania; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Serbia; Seychelles; Sudan; Tanzania; Turkey; Ukraine; USA.