X Global Baku Forum: "The World of Today: Challenges and Hopes"
The flagship event of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, the 10th edition of the Global Baku Forum will be held on 9-11 March 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan with the title of “World of Today: Challenges and Hopes”. In this context we will explore such pressing questions as the New/Old threats to global security, health for peace, how we can reform for an effective multilateralism, global peace: dream or reality, transportation corridors which connect Europe to Asia through Azerbaijan and Central Asia countries, future of Europe, future of Africa, China’s role for global development and security. In addition, we will address key sectoral issues including: Health for all, future of education; Science, Technology and Innovation and how to transform the global economies and the cities of the future, sustainability and global economy.
X GBF is promising to bring over 400 participants including current and former heads of state and government, Nobel Laureates, international organizations, and civil society. As every year, NGIC is targeted to bring the wisdom and experience of its distinguished members and participants in an open and unconstrained debate to learn from the past, assess the present, and envision the future. In the 10 years of its existence, over 100 current and former heads of state and government, Nobel Laureates, and more than 4,000 other high-level representatives of governments, international organizations, and civil society have participated in the Forum in order to discuss how to overcome of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Egils Levits
President of the Republic of Latvia

Rumen Radev
President of Republic of Bulgaria

Jose Ramos-Horta
President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director General, World Health Organization

Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Co-Chair, NGIC, President of Latvia 1999-2007

Miguel Angel Moratinos
UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations

Najat Mokhtar
Deputy Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency

Winnie Byanyima
Executive Director of UNAIDS

Boris Tadic
President of Serbia 2004-2012

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic
President of Croatia 2015-2020

Cassam Uteem
President of Mauritius 1992-2002

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
President of Mauritius 2015-2018

Tzipi Livni
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel 2006-2009

Micheline Calmy Rey
President of Switzerland 2010, 2007, Vice-President 2006, 2010, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2003-2011

Laimdota Straujuma
Prime Minister of Latvia 2015-2019

Kailash Satyarthi
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2014

Joyce Banda
President of Malawi 2012-2014

Amre Moussa
Secretary General, Arab Language 2001-2011; Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt 1991-2001

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
President of Malta 2014-2019

Yves Leterme
Prime Minister of Belgium 2008, 2009-2011

HRH Prince Turki AlFaisal Bin AlSaud
Chairman of the Board of Directors, King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies