I GBF: “Building Shared Societies in Caucasus”

The 1st Global Baku Forum of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center took place on May 5-8, 2013, with the partnership of the Club de Madrid. The event was first held in Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, and then in the capital, Baku.


A ‘shared society’ is a socially cohesive society. It is stable, safe. It is where all those living there feel at home. It respects everyone’s dignity and human rights while providing every individual with equal opportunity. It is tolerant. It respects diversity. A shared society is constructed and nurtured through strong political leadership.


The project worked on agreeing the 10 Commitments and Approaches for Shared Societies: 

I. Locating responsibility of social cohesion within government structures 

II. Creating opportunities for consultation 

III. Monitor structures and policies
to ensure they are supportive of social
IV. Ensure the legal framework protects the
rights of the individual
V. Deal with inequality and economic
disadvantages by those discriminated against
VI. Ensure that physical environments
create opportunities for social interaction
VII. A education system that demonstrates
a commitment to a shared society
VIII. Initiate a process to encourage the creation of a shared vision of society IX. Promote respect, understanding and appreciation of diversity
X. Take steps to reduce tensions and hostility between communities 




Former Presidents -16 (3-female/13-male)

Prime Ministers-9 (2-female/7-male)


Represented countries: (21 countries)


Overall 170 Participants from:

Albania; Azerbaijan; Bolivia; Bulgaria; Canada; Finland; Georgia; Israel; Jordan; Latvia; Lithuania; Mauritius; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Romania; Serbia; Sudan; Switzerland; Uruguay; Yemen.